Thursday, 24 January 2013

Nanananananlord 5

Over Head Projector Music Box

I made this software for a series of workshops in Bedford, run by  Kathy Hinde.
It uses a web cam (on top of a overhead projector) to recognise the position and colour of blobs along the left hand side of the screen. The screen is divided into 24 rows and each of these rows corresponds to a different note, and the colour corresponds to a different instrument.....
heres some music made by the particpants

Monday, 21 January 2013

Raspberry Pi- Mac copy/burning a sd card

heres how to do with terminal on a mac

ok so you've got yer working card with everything on it, and you want to back it up so all you have to do in the future if yer sd card gets corrupted is burn off yer working system onto another sd card.

The first thing to do is find what drive your card reader is on
I would unplug any external hardrives or usb stuff before starting

Plug in your card reader into yer 'puta and then put in the raspberry pi  sd-card you want to copy.

open terminal and type

df -h

this is what you get……

Filesystem      Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s2    93Gi   89Gi  3.1Gi    97%    /
devfs          109Ki  109Ki    0Bi   100%    /dev
map -hosts       0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%    /net
map auto_home    0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%    /home
/dev/disk1s1   3.7Gi  620Ki  3.7Gi     1%    /Volumes/UNTITLED 1

you can tell where pi card is at  by looking at the size of the drive.
Be very careful here, there is a danger , if you get it wrong, to wipe yer harddrive of yer mac.....
anyway this is the pi card in this example...

/dev/disk1s1   3.7Gi  620Ki  3.7Gi     1%    /Volumes/UNTITLED 1

to get the name you need dump the s1 at the end so you have


to copy the card as a zipped image onto yer 'puta (this will able you to copy it onto another card later) 

sudo dd if=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1024 | gzip > ~/rpi_pd.img.gz

ok so   /dev/disk1 is copied  to your home directory and is called rpi_pd.img (if you cant find it do a search for rpi_pd )

it might take a bit of a long time, you can see how its getting on by pressing ctrl and t together. when finished it goes back to login

ok to copy that on to a sd-card you need to do this

attach yer card reader to yer mac

using disk utily erase the card as MS-DOS(FAT) 

open terminal ,unmount the card by typing

sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk1s1

(the drive is  /dev/disk1s1 .... remember to use the right one...we don;t want to overwrite yer hardrive....)

then burn yer image by typing in terminal

sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/rpi_pd.img of=/dev/rdisk1

(again the drive to burn to is /dev/rdisk1 and the name and the location of what im burning is /Downloads/rpi_pd.img

again remember it might take a bit of a long time, you can see how its getting on by pressing ctrl and t together. when finished it goes back to login.....

after its finished burning it the card will mount , don't forget to eject the disk properly...

should be it......

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Friday, 11 January 2013